
Helping Women Lose Weight and Increase Energy As They Age

Sick and overweight? Disease is simply a mismatch between your biology and your environment. I teach applicable concepts of proper nutrition and meal timing, circadian health, and light to keep you free of disease.

Shana Hussin, RDN

Registered Dietitian, Author, Podcast Host, and Metabolic Health and Adrenal Dysfunction Expert

I have worked in the nutrition field for over 24 years. In recent years I have found that most conventional nutrition and lifestyle guidelines do little to heal underlying hormonal drivers of chronic illness… in fact, they make most people sicker!

Weight issues and chronic health issues are exhausting, expensive, and downright life-altering. There is a better, inexpensive, and much simpler way to heal.

I cut through the noise and teach you applicable strategies that you can apply to any lifestyle on any given day. If you are ill, your nutrition and/or lighting environment needs changes, and I can help you implement them!

Simply match the signals of your biology to your environment and watch your health issues resolve.

Read My Story

You've Come to The Right Place If You...

Have tried every approach out there to get healthy, including supplements, pills, detoxes, and alternative medicine.
Are struggling to understand why your body isn't responding to changes in diet and exercise.
Fatigue, weight loss resistance, mood swings, depressions, and/or food obsession are a part of your daily experience.
Want someone to tell you exactly what is blocking your path to healing.

Explore My Programs and Courses

Learn how to heal your body with more than just food. Click below to learn more about my courses, which focus on fundamental and applicable concepts of nutrition, blood sugar, circadian health, and sunlight.
Just wanted to take a minute to thank you. It's so helpful to have a central source for the information needed to reclaim my life. You're both a source and a support. As I continue to listen, read, and learn from you, I'm gradually making tweaks and adjustments to my routine. I hope you realize how much what you do matters and I'm grateful I found you. Be well, we need you!
~ Sarah
Hi Shana! I just have to say that I am SO happy I found you. I think you are right on re nutrition and I have researched this topic for so long. I am so happy to be a part of your community and I look forward to learning a lot from you in the coming months!
~ Bonnie
I started following Shana and listening to her podcasts. Everything started to make sense. I lost 7 pounds in 2.5 weeks following her advice. My aches and pains are going away and my energy is up. I can move better too!
- Patricia