Moving From Hormonal Chaos to Hormonal Balance Throughout Perimenopause and Menopause with Bria Gadd

Bria Gadd is a functional diagnostic practitioner, holistic health coach, and certified personal trainer who specializes in perimenopause and menopause, specifically in relation to female hormones, weight loss, and finding clarity in hormonal imbalances. In this episode we discuss various stressors, sleep routines, nutritional approaches, and exercise practices that can support your hormonal fluctuations in whatever stage of life you are in.

[6:03]- How did Bria become known as The Period Whisperer?

[11:35]- What is perimenopause? What hormonal changes does the body go through during perimenopause? How do these hormonal changes affect perimenopause symptoms?

[25:22]- What lifestyle habits can one implement to support the hormonal symptoms they are experiencing?

[33:13]- What are the three phases of nutrition?

[39:55]- How is the circadian rhythm different from the infradian rhythm?

[46:37]- As a female moves through hormonal changes, how does alcohol specifically affect her symptoms?

[52:02]- How does one create the smoothest transition from menstruating years to perimenopause and menopause?

[56:05]- How does coffee on an empty stomach affect hormone health?

Special thanks to L’BRI for sponsoring this episode. To order your free samples from this clean and purposeful skin care company, use the link here!



Instagram: @bria_period_whisperer

Podcast: The Period Whisperer Podcast