From Almost Dead to Thriving By Questioning What’s “NORMAL” with Dane Johnson

Dane Johnson is a certified holistic nutritionist and founder of CrohnsColitisLifestyle. Dane suffered from ulcerative colitis and first was treated by the standard medical approach. Finding himself so weak he couldn’t walk or carry on lifes challenges, Dane checked himself out of the hospital and committed to creating an alternative healing plan for himself. He now helps people heal holistically from severe bowel and digestive diseases. This conversation is empowering and inspirational for anyone struggling with chronic disease!
[6:00]- Dane’s story, including why conventional medical treatments failed him. Why and how did he shift to an alternative healing approach?
[17:35]- How did Dane use mindset to empower his body to heal?
[32:58]- What are the shortcomings of standard trained doctors? What can a functional medical doctor offer?
[54:50]- What is the importance of healing the gut? How does Dane use GI testing to offer insights into one’s gut health?
[1:08:58]- How does one encourage family to get on board with holistic healing?
Special thanks to L’BRI for sponsoring this episode. To order your free samples from this clean and purposeful skin care company, use the link here!
Instagram: @danejohnson1
Business Instagram: @crohnscolitis_lifestyle
To contact Dane and his team at CrohnsColitisLifestyle, please use this link to schedule your Complimentary IBD strategy session. As a gift, you will also receive Dane’s 60-Day Healing Journal which he used in his healing journal to customize his solution!