Healing the Gut to Overcome Inflammation and Weight Loss Resistance with Risa Groux

Risa Groux is a Functional Nutritionist and Certified Autoimmune Coach who is passionate about nutrition and healing the root cause of disease. Risa specializes in health challenges like diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, digestion, thyroid, and hormone imbalances. In this episode we delve into stool and blood tests, probiotics, and genetic testing to heal from autoimmune issues. We also dissected the 5 drivers of weight loss resistance, including what helped Risa heal from her own health imbalances.


[8:07]- How did miscarriages lead Risa down the path of health discovery?

[15:36]- What kind of doctors and functional lab tests did Risa utilize in her healing journey? What do the stool test and blood labs she uses in her daily practice reveal?

[24:05]- How does Risa implement nutritional changes for her patients?

[32:27]- How does one treat leaky gut?

[38:00]- Is there a relationship between Hashimoto’s Disease and blood sugar issues?

[42:32]- Who should take a probiotic? How do fermented foods supply probiotics to a well-rounded diet?

[45:26]- How to heal from candida overgrowth using a holistic approach.

[49:02]- What are the 5 drivers of weight loss resistance?

[54:57]- Personalized probiotic formulations and comprehensive genetic testing are now being used to heal autoimmune issues.


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Website: https://www.risagrouxnutrition.com/

Instagram: @risagrouxnutrition

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