Low Insulin Academy

Are you ready to say goodbye to insulin resistance, stubborn weight issues, and blood sugar instability for good?

Join Shana Hussin, one of the leading expert dietitians in the blood sugar and weight loss industry!

  • Stop wasting time with “diet” programs focused around calorie counting, and instead address hormonal imbalances
  • Learn why a low-carb, REAL food nutritional approach with properly timed eating, optimal lighting environment, strong circadian rhythm, and strategic meal order will actually promote fullness, blood sugar balance, and overall healing
  • Find a sustainable way to manage your weight and health with a low-insulin lifestyle and appropriate sunlight, because when your insulin levels are low and leptin is balanced, your body can utilize stored body fat
  • Finally heal your insulin, leptin, and hormone imbalances and REVERSE insulin resistance to allow natural fat burning… for good!

Learn simple and sustainable methods to live a low-insulin lifestyle ANYONE can adapt!

Enroll Here


Module 1

Module 1 - Prepare Your Body

Learn the Science Behind Timed Eating/ Fasting and Why it Works

  • Learn about the hormones involved in chronic disease and how to bring and maintain proper balance of them
  • How to prepare the body for periods of intermittent fasting, and implementing a timed eating schedule right for YOU
  • Removing chemicals and obesogens
  • First steps to take for successful program implementation
  • Balancing a low-insulin and fasting approach with proper exercise

Module 2 - Find Your Fasting Protocol

Master the Fast and Implement a Timed Eating Schedule

  • When and how to include a challenge day or longer fast
  • How to determine which type of fasting or times eating protocol to try, and when to switch it up
  • Diet mentality and food restriction
  • Electrolyte balance
  • How to break a fast, including extended fasts
  • The natural progress from timed eating, to intermittent fasting to therapeutic fasting
  • Circadian fasting for cortisol and thyroid regulation
Module 3

Module 3 - Alter Nutrition

Master the Feast

  • The truth about macronutrients- fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, and recommendations for all
  • How to properly balance your meal and plate
  • How to find an appropriate amount of carbohydrate for your body
  • When to incorporate more protein, and when to incorporate more fat
  • Carb cycling for men and women
  • Food order, it matters!
Module 4

Module 4 - Clean, Challenge, Change

Changing Things Up

  • Changing up your approach when needed
  • Breaking through plateaus
  • Autophagy and health benefits of longer fasts
  • Clean fasting
  • Using challenge days appropriately and strategically
  • 10 simple hacks to implement into your lifestyle for better blood sugar control and energy BONUS MASTERCLASS!
Module 5

Module 5 - Ease Your Mind

Sleep, Stress, and Support

  • How sleep and stress affect fasting, feasting, and your everyday life
  • Recommendations for better sleep and stress management
  • Melatonin, Serotonin, Magnesium and Tryptophan
  • Ongoing support
  • How to make your new lifestyle sustainable
  • Supplement recommendations for metabolic health

Module 6 - Finishing Up and Moving Forward

Addressing Issues Standing in the Way of Healing Completely

  • Digestion Overview
  • Foods to focus on at different types of restaurants to stay on track
  • Strategies to try during holidays and special occasions
  • Special diets to consider for further healing
  • Maintenance suggestions and strategies
  • Dissecting circadian rhythm and lighting environment
  • Putting it ALL together

This program is for you if:

  • You are a chronic dieter who has tried every program on the planet to lose weight and improve health, only to fail and gain back the weight, plus more
  • You struggle with blood sugar instability
  • You have type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome/fertility issues, or have known metabolic illness such as fatty liver and high blood pressure
  • You have tried fasting protocols on your own, but aren’t getting results
  • You don’t understand how macronutrients, meal timing, and your lighting environment work in tandem to heal your hormonal network
  • You are curious about how your lighting environment and circadian rhythm plays a HUGE role with metabolic health and blood sugar regulation
Enroll Here