How One Couple Lost 77 Pounds Collectively and Changed the Trajectory of Their Entire Family with LIA Student Mollie Starkey

Mollie Starkey is one of my students who completed Low Insulin Academy, my program designed to equip students with lifestyle tools to reverse insulin resistance and blood sugar dysregulation. Since Mollie is passionate about following an integrative approach to health, she began addressing her health issues through caloric restriction and increased activity. Eventually, Mollie found my Instagram and programs and began following the strategies I teach. She quickly experienced weight loss success along with a host of other health improvements!


[9:44]- How Low Insulin Academy affected Mollie’s health and life.

[25:30]- How has Mollie’s husband adapted an optimal metabolic lifestyle as a male?

[37:50]- How has Mollie welcomed her children’s participation in a low insulin lifestyle? What was Mollie’s walk through postpartum depression like?

[52:49]- What impact did eating low fat have on Mollie’s gallbladder? How can bitter herbs support optimal gallbladder function?

Oops! The end of my conversation with Mollie got cut off. Part 2 is now live so give it a listen to finish hearing Mollie’s story!


PAY WHAT YOU CAN for Low Insulin Academy!!! Start learning these strategies today!

Special thanks to Hoǒga for sponsoring this weeks episode! I use their red light bulbs, red reading light, and grounding mat. Use code SHANAH12 for 12% off your purchase from Hoǒga!